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Showing posts from August, 2017

VOCAL PRAISE 2017- This Trouble Of Life.

                                THIS TROUBLE OF LIFE.  Through all the changing scenes of life, we face troubles, tribulations and suffering. Others experience laughter, joy and peace. Each phase of life comes with a different face. We su ffer because this world is never our home. The feeble ones amongst us end up succumbing to this troubled world and give up on God. The strong ones hold on to God for strength. Life on this earth is unbearable. Life on this earth is excruciating. But we know and believe that we would one day be peaceful, joyful and live eternally. We look forward to a coming Saviour who is Jesus Christ. "MARANATHA! JESUS IS COMING SOON!" #VocalPraise2017 #VocalPraise2017 #VocalPraise2017